“Worship is the strategy by which we interrupt our preoccupation with ourselves and attend to the presence of God. - Eugene Peterson”
What will the worship gathering be like? Each week you will experience:
Music Grounded in Biblical Truth
Public Reading of Scripture
Biblical Exposition in Preaching
Musical Worship Focused on the Life,
Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ
Whether you are in a car at Church on the Hill or in person at our Downtown Campus, Sunday gatherings are causal and relaxed. Come as you are. YOU are valuable and we are ready to show you the love of a Christ centered community!
Downtown Campus (9:30am)
Church on the Hill (SR 52 & Smith Road @ 8:15am)
We believe singing the scriptures is of utmost importance. You can use this Spotify playlist to learn some of the songs we sing on Sunday Morning or in your personal worship time. These songs are helpful in fostering a Biblical view of the almighty God while celebrating our Savior Jesus Christ through whom and to whom our worship is directed!
“For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.”